
Changes: 15/05/2024

  • Fix for issues surround some games such as Cyberpunk 2077 not showing due to Steam API quirks.
  • Added Discord CTA to homepage.
  • Removed top 25 review system as it was causing layout issues. Need to rethink how this works.

Changes: 14/05/2024

  • Swapped to GPT-4o for analysis - this will be monitored to see how much it costs me as it's 10x more expensive thant GPT 3.5-Turbo. If you like this change please consider joining the Patreon to support the site.
  • Added the top 25 positive reviews and top 25 negative reviews organised by playtime to the results page. These are gathered from a sample of 1000 most recent reviews.
  • Some design tweaks to the results page.

Changes: 12/05/2024

  • Added current review score to sidebar.

Changes: 11/05/2024

  • Updated wording on sidebar stats to make it more clear that the combined, average and median playtime is just from the reviews calculated - not the app in general.
  • Added median playtime to sidebar stats.
  • Small optimisation for crawling the reviews.

Changes: 10/05/2024

  • Implemented some lazy loading elements - now the user is redirected to the results page much quicker, and the analysis and some sidebar information is loaded while the user is on the page.
  • Added temporary loading spinner whilst the results are loaded - this will be replaced with a custom graphic.
  • Incorporated game capsule into the sidebar instead of the app name as text.
  • Now display follower count in sidebar.
  • Re-introduced the Random button, this is still a little slow but should always return an app as long as it meets the below criteria.
    • Is not DLC.
    • Has been released.
    • Has at least 5 reviews.
    • Is not NSFW.
  • Added a 'Copy Share Link' button - I've labelled this as beta for now, as it doesn't link to the exact results you have as these aren't cached, instead it peforms the search again. It has three parameters:
    • id: AppID of game.
    • depth: How many reviews to search (clamped to 150).
    • mode: 0 = All Reviews, 1 = Positive Reviews, 2 = Negative Reviews.

Changes: 09/05/2024

  • On desktop the game data on the results page should appear in a sidebar now.
  • Fixed issue with Patreon button not displaying on mobile properly.
  • More tweaks to responsiveness on mobile.

Changes: 08/05/2024

  • Added social links to footer - why not give us a follow!
  • Removed kofi banner and replaced with the newly launched Patreon account on the main page.
  • Added a supporter page where Patreon members can get a credit, and a custom link on the Supporter Plus tier.

Changes: 07/05/2024

  • Added padding to lists to make them a bit easier to read.
  • Fixed issue with Steam API integration where it sometimes wasn't returning the full amount of reviews requested.
  • Added Google Analytics.
  • General design and responsiveness tweaks.
  • Added button to loading overlay to allow the user to cancel the search.
  • Added an average playtime box to the results page.
  • Added some more data to results screen such as developers, publishers, release date and a game description.
  • Removed Random game button temporarily whilst I work on putting some checks in place to make sure it always finds a valid game.

Changes: 05/05/2024

  • Changed over from scraping the reviews from HTML, to using the Steam API resulting in much faste response and more data.
  • Added header images back to the results page.
  • Added handling for special characters, for example you can now search for "Helldivers 2" and it will work even though the game is "Helldivers™ 2".

Changes: 02/05/2024

  • Website redesign to look a lot nicer.
  • Added random button which can return a random game - note: this could return unreleased games which won't have any reviews to view.
  • Removed header image on results page due to it breaking page layout. I hope to reintroduce this once I can solve the issue.

Changes: 01/05/2024

  • Enabled ability to search by game name (as well as URL and AppID).
  • Implemented user sessions, so settings are remembered when returning to homepage.
  • Added footer information.
  • Handling for age gate and content gate.
  • Added handling for repeating character breaking gpt prompt.

Changes: 30/04/2024

  • Added pulling library image and displaying on result page.
  • Added dropshadow to library image on result page.
  • Added favicon to page.

Changes: 29/04/2024

  • Added more explanation to what analysis depth does.
  • Added AppID display next to game name on result page.